
Blue Salut

Esborgs Spill og Programmer
Nyheter og artikler fra 1MUA
Vegard og skjebnen
Skaldebøs skaldekvad

av Vegard Torvund Hansen


Life is the most precious gift been given, so don’t waste it.

Don’t chase destiny but let destiny come to you.

And when your road’s been driven, don’t hate it.

death is the goal of the game and it’s the mountains final view.


enjoy your every breath

don’t despie things such as death

have a open mind.

`cause you never know what you’ll find


a sad story about a boy who reach the age of  8.

living out his short life in the hands of cancer

a happy boy full of courage and faith

people left behind him with the same old why, still ain`t got no answer


a mother of three. loving soul strong as human can be

wrapped in by this cause of boldness

dropped dead in the hands of faith while the daughters could see

so many left behind blinded by faith’s flawless


A hansom boy around 20, lost contact with his moral

yet with no evidence all we’ve got is conclusions.

Most lightly driven by rumors and a quarrel

Tied a rope and hanged himself, spilling tears all over whit his solution.


enjoy your every breath

don’t despie things such as death

have an open mind.

`cause you never know what to find

Jo Vemund - / Sigurd Ytre-Arne -