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Unusual Bus Ride

av Line Ragna Aakre Karlsson


God, how many freaks can one bus hold? As I viewed the passengers in the veichle, the thought ran inside my head. At the back, a fossilised widow (probably not knowing her own sex) sat asleep. Five seats from her sat something that looked like it had been thrown out of hell- a punk that is.

The bus started moving and I started walking. Past a fat woman and a man killing himself by listening to awful rock at volume 65. Christ.

I found that a seat in the middle would be appropriate; far from ugly, skinny, dirty punker-boy but still distant from Mr. Rock. I sat down on a seat next to the aisle, with a window and an empty seat on my right. Wait, the seat wasn’t empty; it was occupied by a pale, blond boy, about 16, asleep with his mouth and eyes open. I’ve heard about people who sleep with their eyes open-

freaks of nature.

Crap, now I had to sit beside that creepy guy for the next 30 minutes. Why hadn’t I seen him? It was like he just appeared when I sat down. Why, oh why is it always me, I who have to suffer other peoples disgusting habits? It’s true, bad things really do happen to god people.        

I thought of trying to get some sleep. At my age, lack of sleep for unknown reasons is common.

Man, that boy was really bothering me; his eyes wide open with that troubled look all over his face and his head leaned back on the seat so that the greasy locks hung lifeless down on his neck. Ugh. Stupid boy, he probably had a massive headache after all the drinks and beers last night. If he was my son, a few strokes on the chin and he’d never touch any of it again before he became a respectful adult. That’s every fathers job.

I thought that I should try to wake him up, maybe his stop was coming up.

“Hey, boy,” I said quiet, but strict. No reaction.

“Hey!” I said and shook him. He was cold as ice. I hesitated and then quickly drew my hands to myself. Totally frozen like a lake during winter. I was shocked and couldn’t move. Was this boy a living creature? Should I do something?

I was slowly recovering when the buss driver announced my stop and I got off.

Jo Vemund - / Sigurd Ytre-Arne -